Undergraduates Program
Pharm-D Program duration is six years, five academic years and one year of internship.
During the first academic year, pharmaceutical basic sciences will be taught whereas during the next four years, academic, professional pharmaceutical and clinical sciences will be studied. The program applies advanced teaching and practical learning strategies and developed evaluation methods to enable the student’s acquisition of competencies in various pharmaceutical fields.
It allows the student to practice the pharmacy career in different pharmaceutical fields, giving him the opportunity to concentrate on the area of specialty he aims to work in after graduation through optional courses offered in the final stages of the program, internship year and graduation project.
The internship period is designed to offer the student rotating training sessions in different pharmaceutical areas (such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, drug control and regulation, sales and marketing, hospitals, and medical centers), concentrating on students’ chosen areas of specialty. So, we aim to prepare students to work in the pharmaceutical area they, choose by helping them to have good training and asking them to submit a graduation project in the same field. This period includes 100 in-site training hours in community, governmental and hospital pharmacies during summer vacations. After graduation, students will have to work in the same area of specialty they have chosen for 2 years to become a specialist pharmacist.
The study in the Pharm-D undergraduate programs is in credit hours and full time mode.